Friday, 26 September 2014

Battle Array: Our Wardrobe - Part 3

(Ephesians 6:16 King James Version) 
     (16) Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

“Above all”; that about sums up the vital importance of this piece of armour. The Apostle Paul clearly tells us what it is.

Hebrews 11:1 Murdock
(1)   Now faith is the persuasion of the things that are in hope, as if they were in act; and [it is] the manifestness of the things not seen.

Wow! What a Revelation! What a Translation! What a Shield! The Shield of Faith is one of the defensive-attacking pieces of the armour. Faith is according to the content of God’s Word in you, your faith can never rise above what you have seen and heard of God.

“Faith is the greatest asset in the Kingdom of God. In the School of Faith, the Word is the fuel for flight, because it is Word-based. When faith is born in your heart, it makes your heart to burn; you will be assaulting the devil everywhere!”
(Gabriel Israel (Rev.) April 28th, 2012)

Make no mistakes, the devil is going to come against you with all he’s got, there will be fiery darts, there will be evil attacks; but your faith is the “quencher”. Faith doesn’t mean to “have hope for something better”, Faith is not “positive thinking or talking”, Faith has nothing to do with “motivational speeches”, Faith is not even “simply believing”; Faith is believing and acting on the Word of God, reckoning it as the only Truth that holds, irrespective of circumstances. Faith is a land of no return. There are no “ifs” in faith, there are not “buts” in faith, there are no “maybes” in faith; when you start in faith, you are ready to die in faith! Faith has no alternatives, there is no such thing as a “Plan B”.

To walk by Faith is to be eternally married to the Word, looking ONLY unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of OUR FAITH. To walk by Faith is to look vertically, and when we see JESUS, full of Grace and Truth, Faith becomes EFFORTLESS! Because:

Romans 4:16 King James Version
(16)  Therefore it is of faith, that it might be by grace; to the end the promise might be sure to all the seed; not to that only which is of the law, but to that also which is of the faith of Abraham; who is the father of us all,

The Shield of Faith drives the devil mad; Keep using it, don’t stop using it!

Ephesians 6:17 Literal Translation of the Holy Bible (LITV)
(17)  Also, take "the helmet of salvation,"…

Now, a Helmet is made for the Head. Christ is the Head of the Church. Technically, we shouldn’t be getting a Helmet, because we are not a Head, we are the “Body of Christ”, we’ve got nothing to do with a helmet!

So, what is Apostle Paul saying?

Salvation came from a Saviour; Jesus Christ. We were saved by Grace (Ephesians 2:8). Therefore, the Helmet of salvation is the Helmet of Grace. The Apostle Paul is actually telling you: “Carry Grace on your head!” This is why we preach Grace so radically; we have carried it on our head! We have already received salvation in our spirits, so the Apostle is not telling us to take up what we already are! We do not “have” salvation, we are saved. Salvation is not our “possession”, it is our state!

The word Salvation as used here is from the Greek word sōtērion which means “defence, saving, the hope of future salvation”. It is an all-encompassing word that speaks about a total package of God’s Grace available in Christ; Salvation means our spirits have been saved (Ephesians 2:8), our minds are being saved (Romans 12:2), and our bodies will be saved (2 Thessalonians 4:16-17, 1 Corinthians 15:52-53).

The Helmet of Salvation is the Helmet of the Grace of Jesus Christ; Take advantage of it!

Ephesians 6:17 Young’s Literal Translation
(17)  “…and the sword of the Spirit, which is the saying of God,

Hebrews 4:12-13 Weymouth New Testament
(12)  For God's Message is full of life and power, and is keener than the sharpest two-edged sword. It pierces even to the severance of soul from spirit, and penetrates between the joints and the marrow, and it can discern the secret thoughts and purposes of the heart.
(13)  And no created thing is able to escape its scrutiny; but everything lies bare and completely exposed before the eyes of Him with whom we have to do.

The Sword (SpokenWORD) is the Saying! And the saying is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword! When we talk the Word, we wield the Spirit’s Sword, because the Word of God in the lips of faith is God talking! This is big!
No wonder Jesus said:
Mark 11:23 King James Version
(23)  For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith.

When you wield the Spirit’s sword in faith, whosoever can have whatsoever! It doesn’t matter the situation, don’t talk about it, speak to it! Don’t talk the news, speak the Word. Don’t talk the Economic situation, speak the Word. Don’t talk the doctors’ report, speak the Word. Don’t re-echo the lecturers’ verdict, speak the Word. You feel a pain in your body? Use the Sword. They said the scan showed a Tumour? Perform an operation with the Sword!
Nothing and no one is impervious to the sword of the Spirit; Keep saying it, don’t stop talking it!

Cheer up brethren; The SWORD works!

So, there you have it, the six-piece Armour suit. And I’m sure you have noticed that are all intertwined into each other, and one cannot work without the other. Truth stirs up Faith, The Gospel we preach is the Sword of the Spirit, and Righteousness is a product of salvation.
But even more striking is that all of the pieces of the Armour point to one person: JESUS.

Now here comes the “Plot Twist”! Let’s take it Higher!

Someone might have asked: “How do we put on the whole Armour of God?” Well, I believe that’s the wrong question! A more appropriate question would be “How do we use the Armour of God? Because, incase you haven’t noticed, YOU ALREADY HAVE THE ARMOUR ON! How, you may ask. I’ll tell you.

Christ is the Head, We are His Body. HE IS NOT OUR BODY, in the sense that we didn’t just gather ourselves together and “form a Body of Christ”; He formed us, we are His Body. And that’s why our Body is His Body, because His Body is our Body! Therefore, to put on the Armour of God in the sense of putting on clothes would be a little misleading and suggesting that Christ has no Armour on!

But again, that is also True, because the Truth is; CHRIST IS THE ARMOUR OF GOD! That’s why Apostle Paul didn’t say Put on the “Armour of Christ” or the “Armour of Jesus”, because Christ is the Armour of God!


He is the TRUTH (John 14:6)
He has been made unto us RIGHTEOUSNESS (1 Corinthians 1:30)
He is the GOSPEL we preach (The Gospel of Christ) (Romans 1:16)
He is the Author and Finisher of our FAITH (Hebrews 12:2)
He is the Saviour, whose Grace that brought SALVATION (Matthew 1:21, Titus 2:11)
He is the Living WORD which we speak (John 1:1, 14, Revelation 19:11-13)

WOW, Just WOW! No wonder He is the First and the Last, Alpha and Omega (and everything in between), Full of Dignity and Humility, Tough, yet not Harsh, Tender, yet not weak, patient and passionate, perfected perfect perfection and the sum total of Deity all in one being; He is All in All! (Revelation 1:8, 17-18, Colossians 2:9)


Finally brethren, Just incase you are wondering why Love is not a part of the armour, It’s because GOD IS LOVE (1 John 4:16). The armour of God is the Armour of Love, and when it comes to Love, we don’t discuss an armour, we discuss a Nature and a Person. Love is who we are, not what we use!

Enjoy using your Armour!

There’s more, in 7 days!

Yours Truthfully,


Friday, 19 September 2014

Battle Array: Our Wardrobe - Part 2

(Ephesians 6:13)  Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

(Ephesians 6:14)  Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

(Ephesians 6:15)  And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

The word “Truth” here is the Greek word alētheia” which simply means “Reality”. Now a belt is what holds a battle suit firmly in place, and is therefore a very vital piece of the armour. If the belt falls off, most of your armour will be loose. That’s why the Belt of Truth is so vital.

Truth means Reality. Reality is that which is Eternal. And that which is Eternal, is that which God has said. In other words, Truth is the Word of God (John 17:17).

Not the word of the Economic system.
Not the word of the Doctor.
Not the word of the Scientist.
Not the word of the Lecturer.
Not the word of the Media.

It doesn’t matter who says what, or by what qualifications they spoke, if it is not founded on the Word of God, IT IS INVALID! It makes no difference whether they were philosophers or so-called “wise men”. Personal life experiences are not a yardstick to measure Truth, and proverbs of grey-haired, pot-bellied, palm wine drinking ‘elders’ and forefathers is at best worldly wisdom; it doesn’t measure up to Truth even though they sound wise. One of such proverbs is: “What an elder sees when he is sitting down, a child cannot see it even if he climbs a palm tree”
Well, if that child is filled with the Holy Ghost, and the elder is not, then the opposite of that statement is TRUE!

“Truth is according to what God says” (Rev. Gabriel Israel).

No wonder the Lord Jesus says to live “by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). As Christians, the ONLY material we should feed on, meditate on, speak, believe, preach and ultimately live by is the Word of God. It doesn’t matter what is obvious; that the X-ray results show that you have a Tumour, or that the lecturer said you failed the course, or that your Bank account is so low, it has even gone into minus, or whatever is evidently going wrong. In the midst of the obvious challenges, we must never be oblivious of the Word of God, and we must reckon it as the ONLY Truth that holds.

However, we must also understand that there is “A Word of God” to the New Creation in Christ, it is the “Word of His Grace” (Acts 20:32). The Law of Moses is in the Bible. The wrath of God revealed through the Prophets is also in the Bible. BUT THOSE WORDS ARE NOT WRITTEN TO THE NEW CREATION. The New Creation doesn’t belong in the Old Testament, and there is a difference between the Old Testament and the Old Testament SECTION of the Bible. The Old Testament refers to the “Law and the Prophets”, and the Old Testament SECTION refers to “Genesis to Malachi”.

The Word of God for the New Creation is that Word that is consistent with God’s plans and purposes in CHRIST JESUS. This is the Belt of Truth, and when you have this belt on, you cannot be deceived.

(Romans 5:17)  For if by one man's offence death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.)

That’s pretty straightforward. The Breastplate of Righteousness is a Gift! If you are a believer, you ALREADY HAVE IT! Infact, you cannot be a Christian without having this Gift, because Righteousness is the very Nature of God which you are given when you get born again.

But then it gets bigger!

(2 Corinthians 5:21)  For he hath made him to be sin for us, who knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of God in him.

You are the very expression and trophy of God’s Righteousness! You have gone past being “Right”; you have become the “Rightness” of God! So, why is Paul asking us to put this on? Aren’t we already Righteousness?

It’s because, putting on the Armour of God means to understand these Truths and meditate on them until they become your everyday consciousness, and forms a mindset in you. When it becomes a mindset, then the armour is on!

So, we are the very display of God’s Righteousness, irrespective of the mistakes we make, or the wrong stuff we may do, it doesn’t change who we are. This is actually where the war is, when you do something wrong and the devil attacks you with guilt and condemnation, then that is when your breastplate of Righteousness will be tested. AND IT WILL STAND.

Those who have this on can never suffer from the devil’s Accusations, Guilt and Condemnation.

(Isaiah 52:7)  How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him that bringeth good tidings, that publisheth peace; that bringeth good tidings of good, that publisheth salvation; that saith unto Zion, Thy God reigneth!

This is perhaps the piece of armour that mostly demonstrates the Love of God as well as God’s Number one priority; Soulwinning! This is the responsibility of every believer, and the ultimate reason for the Armour; to effectively advance against and plunder the Kingdom of Darkness, by rescuing souls from the dominion and control of the devil.

Therefore, evangelism shouldn’t always be a planned event where we all gather together to go out and preach the Gospel. That’s why Apostle Paul said “having your foot shod WITH THE PREPARATION of the Gospel of peace…” In other words, we are to ALWAYS be prepared to win a soul, not only when the local assembly announces Evangelism. We can minister in the buses, in the bus stops, during break periods, anywhere and everywhere!

And what are we to preach?

Isaiah 52:7 – Peace, Good tidings of good, Salvation.

Not Condemnation, Judgement or the Wrath of God!

BY THE WAY: The shoes of the Gospel of peace do not have high heels, because soldiers don’t “cat-walk”, they march! We must not be sluggish in our preaching of the Gospel, because the time is short.

Those who have these shoes on are Indispensable; they cannot die anyhow, because God needs them alive to continue to harvest souls!

If y0u are reading this, and you are not born again, I bring you good tidings of good. God is not mad at you, He loves you, and He wants to demonstrate that love to you. You can receive it now, by saying this simple prayer from your heart:

Dear Lord Jesus, I thank you for your Grace and love. I believe in your eternal sacrifice for my sins and your resurrection for my justification. With faith in my heart, I accept your Lordship of Love over my spirit, soul and body. I receive eternal life into my spirit, even the nature of righteousness. I am now a child of God, born from above. Thank you for saving me, in Jesus Name.

If you prayed this prayer, I pray for you, that you be filled with the Spirit in all fullness, and be guided by His Eternal word, even as you begin your journey of Faith.

Three done. Three to go.

There’s more; Next week.

With Love,


Friday, 12 September 2014

Battle Array: Our Wardrobe - Part 1

Alright. So we began a series last week. Today we continue.

There is a war raging. And I’m not referring to the tension in the Middle East, or the Uprisings in Africa, I’m talking about the War responsible for the wars in the world. As Christians, we must understand that we are at the forefront of the most fierce, most real and most important battle in existence. It’s far fiercer than all of the World wars you read about, or the Star wars you watched on Hollywood; this is a Kingdom war.

Science and all of its foolish wisdom have no answer to this war, because, firstly, they don’t even know it exists! And even if you told them, they wouldn’t believe because “it cannot be scientifically proven!” Well, the Devil is a Liar, but He is not a Lie. He EXISTS. Notice, I didn’t say He’s “alive”, or he “lives”, because JESUS is the ONLY source of life (John 14:6).

The devil has two major ways of destroying people: Deception and Fear. And when deception is fully mature, it becomes Delusion. No scientific instrument or method can detect deception, and that’s why the devil is controlling the minds of men from “behind the scenes” and making it look “natural”. He’s been doing this for thousands of years, and if experience counts for anything, then he’s pretty good at it! If employers can trust individuals who have “years of experience” to deliver, then you can also “trust” the devil to deceive! He is a self-employed, full-time staff with just one job: KILL, STEAL, and DESTROY (John 10:10).

I will talk expressly about the devil in another article.

So, whether the world knows it or not, whether they choose to believe it or not, truth is, we all have a COMMON ENEMY. That’s why the Apostle Peter says “...your adversary, the devil…” (1 Peter 5:8). And because he knows that his judgement is fast approaching, he has accelerated his time-table! But no matter how “fast” the devil thinks he’s moving in his evil, God is an eternity ahead of him in His Grace! Therefore, now, more than ever, is the time to “be strong in the Lord, and in the power of His might” (Ephesians 6:10).
Now, let’s begin to talk about our wardrobe.

(Ephesians 6:11)  Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.

(Ephesians 6:12)  For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

“An Armour is not a night gown (pyjamas), You don’t wear it to sleep!” (Gabriel Israel (Rev.) 2011). Absolutely True!

God wouldn’t ask us to put on an armour for nothing! An armour is not an apron, you don’t cook with it, neither is it a school uniform, you don’t school with it! Think about it, when a military commander announces to his troops “Take up your weapons”, or “Put on your uniforms”, what goes through the mind of the troops? Do they think: “It’s time for coffee?” or “It’s time to see our families?” or “It’s time to sleep?” No. A thousand times No! As soon as they hear that announcement, they know “THIS MEANS WAR!

Now, God made this “announcement” thousands of years ago because the battle has been raging, even in the time of the Apostles. Notice, He says “Put on the whole armour…” In other words, it is a deliberate decision and consciousness. And he tells us why: “that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil”. That’s another way of saying “Brace yourselves, you are on the devil’s hit list!” That’s why God gave us an armour. You must put it on at all times, otherwise, you may just have an “early arrival” in our homeland, and I’m sure the saints will treat you to a warm reception!

And how “high” up your name is on the devil’s hit list depends on your level of assault on the Kingdom of darkness. If you are a frequent soul-winner, demon-caster, dead-raiser, intercessor, or involved in anything that disturbs the Kingdom of darkness, let me announce to you, THE DEVIL IS AFTER YOU! I know certain men who have become the devil’s top priority! And I think that is an absolutely wonderful place to be in! Every believer should be the devil’s headache!

Verse 12 tells us something interesting. It says “we wrestle not against flesh and blood…” This means that humans are NOT the enemies, the battle is not against them, it’s actually for them. Leave your grandmother in the village alone, and stop trying to kill your neighbour’s cat! They are “flesh and blood”; the war is not against them! They may be used by the devil, but that’s what it is; they are being used! Even if you successfully kill them, it doesn’t stop the devil, he’ll just find another person to use! So, how many people are you going to kill before you become “enemy-free”?! 

And if you then become “enemy-free”, how then shall the scriptures be fulfilled which says:  “Thou preparest a table before me in THE PRESENCE OF MINE ENEMIES” (Psalms 23:5). Your enemies are meant to be first-hand witnesses of your progress! Don’t deny them the opportunity to constantly see the Glory of God on you! And besides, it’s more fun eating with people, especially when they are eating your food! Remember, JESUS said, “Love your enemies, do good to them that hate you” (Matthew 5:44). The Christian can NEVER be enemy-free, because the world hates us (John 15:18). But, it DOESN’T MATTER! They are not a factor! Don’t bother or fret about them, because “Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world” (1 John 4:4).

David was a man of war, no king in the Bible killed more enemies than David, and yet He got to a point where he understood that ENEMIES ARE NEEDED!

Who then are our adversaries? “…but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places”.

The Apostle breaks it down into four classes:

Rulers of the darkness of this world,
Spiritual wickedness in high places.
They are not all the same; they vary in responsibility and in function. We shall discuss them in a different article.

I understand that people, and sadly, even Ministers of God misconstrue this portion of scripture and then begin to try to “wrestle” against the devil by opening “Deliverance Ministries” and conducting “Deliverance sessions” for God’s people. Most of them have a genuine heart, but they are ignorant.

Listen, the “Deliverance Ministry” is NOT for the Christian! He doesn’t need to be delivered from the devil! He is a NEW CREATURE! (2 Corinthians 5:17) Don’t you get it? We are not a match for the devil and all the cohorts of Hell put together! You must understand the nature of this war. WE ARE NOT FIGHTING FOR VICTORY, WE ARE FIGHTING FROM VICTORY! (1 John 4:4, Romans 8:37). The devil is a defeated foe, He is not “hale and hearty”, we are not trying to beat him, JESUS gave him a thorough whipping! (Colossians 2:15, Hebrews 2:14, 1 John 3:8)

The nature of this war is to rescue the souls of men, whom Jesus legally paid for through his eternal sacrifice, from the rule and oppression of the devil, and vitally deliver them into their inheritance in Christ. This is not a SELFISH war, it’s a SELFLESS war. It’s not about us; it’s about the souls of men, FOR SOULS ARE GOD’S MOST PRIZED POSSESION!
Such is the nature of this war, to reachout to those in darkness, and bring them into the Light of His Grace. That’s why we hold crusades, preach the Gospel, heal the sick, mend the  broken-hearted, release them that are oppressed, raise the dead; these are all battle strategies!
So, it’s battle time; it has long started, and we already have the Victory! You want to share in this victory? Become a soul-winner!

And now if you are not born-again, it’s time to accept the Love of Christ. You can do it right now from your heart, it's a simple prayer:

Dear Lord Jesus, I thank you for your Grace and love. I believe in your eternal sacrifice for my sins and your resurrection for my justification. With faith in my heart, I accept your Lordship of Love over my spirit, soul and body. I receive eternal life into my spirit, even the nature of righteousness. I am now a child of God, born from above. Thank you for saving me, in Jesus Name.

If you prayed this prayer, I pray for you, that you be filled with the Spirit in all fullness, and be guided by His Eternal word, even as you begin your journey of Faith.

The Apostle Paul goes on to list the elements of our wardrobe, namely:

Belt of Truth
Breastplate of Righteousness
Shoes of the Gospel of Peace
Shield of Faith
Helmet of Salvation
Sword of the Spirit (Ephesians 6:14-17)

Next week, we will begin to take them apart, piece by piece, showing in details, what they entail.

There’s always MORE.

With Wisdom,


Friday, 5 September 2014

Battle Array: Meet the Militants

There's a popular Christian hymn titled "The Church is marching on". Over the years, we sang it so melodiously, without actually meditating on that phrase. After a while, I had to ask myself a few questions:

Where are we marching to?
Why are we even marching?
Do we have to march? Why can't we just "fly with the wind of the Spirit"?

Well, I found out that ONLY Armed Forces MARCH. The Church is God's Army; Heaven's Ground Forces on the Earth.
"The day you became a Christian, YOU CEASED to be a CIVILIAN, You enrolled in the BARRACKS!" (Gabriel Israel (Rev) 2011).
Your prayer of salvation was your ACCEPTANCE SPEECH! That's why Apostle Paul says to "endure hardness as a good SOLDIER of Christ" (2 Timothy 2:3). Notice He didn't say, "Those of you who are soldiers should endure hardness!" Because the question is not whether or not you are a soldier, It's "what kind of soldier are you?"

BY THE WAY: HARDNESS is NOT the same as HARDSHIP. Hardness refers to DISCIPLINE.

Let me tell you few things about a Soldier. A Soldier has no comfort zone, He had one before he became a soldier, now, he only has war zones. A soldier is one who chooses inconvenience, so as to make others convenient. A soldier is one who puts his life on the line, so that others can have a life-line. A soldier is one who fights to maintain peace, so that others can live in bliss. A soldier doesn't live for himself. Infact, HE DOESN'T HAVE A LIFE OF HIS OWN. It is therefore vital to understand that the life of a Christian is a SELF-LESS one.

But make no mistakes about it; Christians are not "cool and calm people!" We may look cool and calm, but so do Lions until they ROAR! I know there are those who have believed an age-long traditional lie that JESUS was "cool and calm", they say he couldn't hurt a fly, He always took one step before the other and anytime someone stepped on him, He said "Bless you!"

NOT MY JESUS! Read your Bible! Yes, He was Full of Grace and Truth, Love and Compassion, and so are we as Christians, but there's a reason He's called THE LION OF THE TRIBE OF JUDAH!

At one time, He went to the Temple and found out that money-changers had taken over the place. Jesus didn't preach a sermon, The Bible says He MADE scourges (whips) and used it to DRIVE (eject, pursue, cast out) these guys away! Both man and animal! I mean he overthrew their tables, released the caged animals, and spilled their coins everywhere! Listen, He didn't "pluck" whips, or look for whips, He MADE them! In other words, He took his time, got the "raw materials" required and wove them into a weapon! Jesus MADE A WEAPON! I'm sure the money-changers thought he was practising carpentry until the whips kissed their skin! And of course, you don't drive people out by whispering and smiling to them, Jesus raised his voice, and chased them out from table to table! He must have been so fierce that they all got scared of him and ran leaving their goods! (John 2:14-16, Read this from the Message Bible)

Was it the way He spoke? His words caused controversy! He taught as one having Authority (Matthew 7:29). You know, all of the Prophets of old came and said "Thus saith the Lord". When Jesus came, He said "Verily, Verily, I SAY!" The Prophets spoke FOR the Lord, but Jesus spoke AS the Lord. 

One time, He said to the Jews "Ye are from beneath, I am from Above..." And they replied and said: "Who art thou…" That's the King James English. In modern day English, that would read "Who the Hell do you think you are?!" or "Who you be?"(Nigerian readers ONLY) (John 8:23-25). They were very upset with him. Another time, He said to them: "I am the Living Bread, if any man eats my flesh and drinks my blood, he hath Eternal life…" And they asked themselves: "How can this man give us his flesh to eat?" I mean, it sounded like cannibalism! They couldn't comprehend him. Infact, many of his disciples were offended by those words and left him! (John 6:51-69). As if that wasn't enough, again He said to them: "Before Abraham was, I AM". This time, they didn't debate with Him, they picked up fine, large stones to stone Him! But Jesus escaped! He had an escape plan! (John 8:58-59). That's some serious militancy!

So, get it! As Christians, we are nice and cozy, cool and calm, exchange pleasantries and niceties on the outside, but LIONS on the inside. We are Rugged in our Faith, Dogged in our Convictions, Militant in Soul-winning, Demon-casters, Sickness-Healers, Money-spenders, Game-changers, World-shakers, Light-beamers, Human principalities, Love-dispensers, Grace-factories, Power-brokers, and sworn rebels to the system of this world because we play by a special, different and elite set of rules! Infact, we are "et-cetera!"

The biggest risk a man could ever take is to take a Christian for granted. He's more dangerous than any terrorist group! The most dangerous specie in existence is the CHRISTIAN WHO KNOWS THAT HE IS THE MOST DANGEROUS! No wonder the Apostle Paul declared; "If ANY man be in Christ, He is a new CREATURE..." (2 Corinthians 5:17). Notice, He didn't say, that man becomes a better, renovated, or edited man, He said "that man" becomes "A NEW CREATURE!" Why?

Because there are four classes of beings on the earth:



It's easy to group Humans and Christians together, because they have the same "physical body", but when that glorious day comes, when Jesus, Our Commander, shall bodily descend from Heaven with a shout, and mortality shall put on immortality, and we shall all be changed; then the world will fully realize, that we were never in the same class with them (1 Corinthians 15:51-54, Romans 8:19, 1 John 3:2).

Ladies and Gentlemen, Meet the MILITANTS.


What is their Dress Code? What do they wear? What have they been commanded? How do they conduct warfare? How do they rank? Where is their Barracks? What tactics do they employ?

There’s more. Next week.

Yours Militantly,
