There's a popular Christian
hymn titled "The Church is marching
on". Over the years, we sang it so melodiously, without actually
meditating on that phrase. After a while, I had to ask myself a few questions:
are we marching to?
Why are
we even marching?
Do we
have to march? Why can't we just "fly
with the wind of the Spirit"?
Well, I
found out that ONLY Armed Forces MARCH. The Church is God's Army; Heaven's
Ground Forces on the Earth.
"The day you became a Christian, YOU CEASED to be a CIVILIAN,
You enrolled in the BARRACKS!" (Gabriel Israel (Rev) 2011).
Your prayer of salvation was your ACCEPTANCE SPEECH! That's
why Apostle Paul says to "endure hardness as a good SOLDIER of Christ"
Timothy 2:3). Notice He didn't say, "Those of you who are soldiers
should endure hardness!" Because the question is not whether or not you
are a soldier, It's "what kind of soldier are you?"
BY THE WAY: HARDNESS is NOT the same as HARDSHIP. Hardness refers
Let me tell you few things
about a Soldier. A Soldier has no
comfort zone, He had one before he became a soldier, now, he only has war
zones. A soldier is one who chooses inconvenience, so as to make others convenient.
A soldier is one who puts his life on the line, so that others can have a
life-line. A soldier is one who fights to maintain peace, so that others can
live in bliss. A soldier doesn't live for himself. Infact, HE DOESN'T HAVE A
LIFE OF HIS OWN. It is therefore vital
to understand that the life of a Christian is a SELF-LESS one.
But make no mistakes about it; Christians
are not "cool and calm people!" We may look cool and calm, but so do
Lions until they ROAR! I know there are those who have believed
an age-long traditional lie that JESUS was "cool and calm", they say
he couldn't hurt a fly, He always took one step before the other and anytime
someone stepped on him, He said "Bless you!"
JESUS! Read your Bible! Yes, He was Full of Grace and Truth, Love and
Compassion, and so are we as Christians, but there's a reason He's called THE
At one
time, He went to the Temple and found out that money-changers had taken over
the place. Jesus didn't preach a sermon,
The Bible says He MADE scourges (whips) and used it to DRIVE (eject, pursue,
cast out) these guys away! Both man and animal! I mean he overthrew their
tables, released the caged animals, and spilled their coins everywhere! Listen,
He didn't "pluck" whips, or look for whips, He MADE them! In other words, He took his time, got the
"raw materials" required and wove them into a weapon! Jesus MADE A
WEAPON! I'm sure the money-changers thought he was practising carpentry until
the whips kissed their skin! And of course, you don't drive people out by
whispering and smiling to them, Jesus raised his voice, and chased them out
from table to table! He must have been so fierce that they all got scared of
him and ran leaving their goods! (John 2:14-16, Read this from the Message
Was it
the way He spoke? His words caused controversy! He taught as one having
Authority (Matthew 7:29). You know, all of the Prophets of old came and
said "Thus saith the Lord". When Jesus came, He said "Verily,
Verily, I SAY!" The Prophets
spoke FOR the Lord, but Jesus spoke AS the Lord.
time, He said to the Jews "Ye are from beneath, I am from Above..."
And they replied and said: "Who art thou…" That's the King
James English. In modern day English, that would read "Who
the Hell do you think you are?!" or "Who you be?"(Nigerian readers ONLY) (John 8:23-25). They were very upset
with him. Another time, He said to them: "I am the Living Bread, if any man
eats my flesh and drinks my blood, he hath Eternal life…" And they
asked themselves: "How can this man give us his flesh to eat?"
I mean, it sounded like cannibalism! They couldn't comprehend him. Infact, many
of his disciples were offended by those words and left him! (John
6:51-69). As if that wasn't enough, again He said to them: "Before
Abraham was, I AM". This time, they didn't debate with Him, they
picked up fine, large stones to stone Him! But Jesus escaped! He had an escape
plan! (John 8:58-59). That's some serious militancy!
So, get
it! As Christians, we are nice and cozy, cool and calm, exchange pleasantries
and niceties on the outside, but LIONS on the inside. We are Rugged in our Faith, Dogged in our Convictions, Militant in
Soul-winning, Demon-casters, Sickness-Healers, Money-spenders, Game-changers,
World-shakers, Light-beamers, Human principalities, Love-dispensers,
Grace-factories, Power-brokers, and sworn rebels to the system of this world
because we play by a special, different and elite set of rules! Infact, we are
biggest risk a man could ever take is to take a Christian for granted. He's
more dangerous than any terrorist group! The
most dangerous specie in existence is the CHRISTIAN WHO KNOWS THAT HE IS THE
MOST DANGEROUS! No wonder the Apostle Paul declared; "If
ANY man be in Christ, He is a new CREATURE..." (2
Corinthians 5:17). Notice, He didn't say, that man becomes a better,
renovated, or edited man, He said "that man" becomes "A NEW
Because there are four classes of beings on
the earth:
It's easy to group Humans and
Christians together, because they have the same "physical body", but
when that glorious day comes, when Jesus, Our Commander, shall bodily descend
from Heaven with a shout, and mortality shall put on immortality, and we shall
all be changed; then the world will fully realize, that we were never in the
same class with them (1 Corinthians 15:51-54, Romans 8:19, 1 John
and Gentlemen, Meet the MILITANTS.
What is
their Dress Code? What do they wear? What have they been commanded? How do they
conduct warfare? How do they rank? Where is their Barracks? What tactics do
they employ?
more. Next week.
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