Friday, 29 August 2014

Optanomai; The Art of Aphoraō

Just before you conclude that there was a mistake in the Title, remember that English is not the only language. Let's go a little Greek today.

The first word "Optanomai" (also spelt "Optomai") is an Ancient greek word, which being translated into English basically means "to look at, behold, gaze, voluntary observation, inspection". Probably, that's the root word for most of the English "optos" (Optometry, Opticians, etc). The second word "Aphoraō" is another Ancient Greek word, which means "to turn the eyes away from other things, and fix them on something, to consider attentively". Now, you see why Greek was a shorter and better choice for a Title!

We are in a corrupt world, a world that feeds on lust and thrives on pride. No wonder the Apostle John said "...all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life..." (1st John 2:16). It's quite remarkable that he says "ALL". In other words, these principles run the world, and that's why there's no evil-free nation, because no Nation has declared Jesus as Lord. So Jesus doesn't run any Nation except the Church.

As we journey from seconds to minutes, hours, days, weeks and years in this realm of Time, We are constantly beckoned upon by the CARES of this earthly realm, even the LUSTS of this age, always seeking something from us; Our FOCUS and ATTENTION. No wonder, Jesus admonished us against it (Mark 4:19), Apostle Peter emphasized it (1 Peter 5:7), Apostle James reiterated it (James 1:14).

The Truth is, you are going to eventually give your attention to something or someone. The question is, Who? or What? I find so many people are on the sidewalk of life, riddled with questions, saddled with burdens, and manhandled by confusion, and sadly, some of them are Believers in Christ. And the logical response of these people is to FOCUS on the problem and try to solve it. Sooner or later, they discover they are on quicksand, the more they TRY to rise, the deeper into the mess they fall, dangerously stuck in life's quagmire.

Most of them soon give up and come to a fatal conclusion: "God doesn't exist", "God doesn't love me", etc. God always gets the blame, because they were taught that "Heaven helps those who help themselves". And so, they labour, so engrossed in self-effort, trying to "help" themselves, and expecting one "emissary" from Heaven to appear and support their struggle. I even hear young men who have a magnet for their trousers at the mid-line of their intergluteal cleft (their buttocks) which they call sagging, and wear a long chain dangling dangerously close to their scrotal sac, and put on shoes that look like cars, I hear them say "God, bless my hustle!" And they say it with an air of inspiration gotten from those so-called hip-hop stars whom they have as role models. Listen, If you want to struggle and hustle, don't bring God into it, He won't come, and certainly won't bless your hustle! Struggle alone! They also try to "keep it real" by saying "they came from the streets". We all came from the streets, It depends on the type of street, I grew up on streets paved with gold, I'm sorry you grew up in dust and smoke!

I perceive I should laugh now, that was a bit hot. If you are one of those young men, I TRULY love you!

Let's go on. GRACE NEVER SPONSORS STRUGGLE, IT ELIMINATES IT! Heaven doesn't help those who help themselves. Scriptures declare "...Fear not, I WILL HELP YOU." (Isaiah 41:13). Fullstop. You don't need to try to help yourself! GOD DOESN'T NEED YOUR SUPPORT, HE NEEDS YOUR CO-OPERATION. Again it says "...Not by power, nor by might, but by my Spirit..." (Zechariah 4:6). It's that simple. When you choose to help yourself, you automatically disqualify yourself from GRACE. The sacrifice of Jesus is an Eternal testimony that man CAN NEVER help himself, infact, Man didn't even have enough sense to know he needed help. The Truth is, they have DONE all they KNOW to do (self-effort), they haven't done what God SAID to do; they haven't mastered the art of Aphoraō.

The Art of Aphoraō is the key to a Constant, Dynamic and Sure change. It means to turn away from everything else, unto something. The Apostle Paul used it in Hebrews 12:2: "Looking (aphoraō) unto JESUS, the author and finisher of our faith..." In other words, no matter what is going on around, look away from EVERYTHING and EVERYONE ELSE INCLUDING YOURSELF, and look unto JESUS. 

What I'm literally telling you is this, If you desire a change in that situation, don't "optanomai" at the situation, "aphoraō" unto JESUS. It sounds too good to be True, but it is. Let me show you why with just two examples, amongst many.

First, Numbers 21:5-9.

Here is the story. The people of Israel sinned against God, and God allowed fiery serpents to attack them and bite them, and many died, others were wounded, rehearsing for death. Now, that was under the Law, God doesn't have a snake farm, where he dispatches serpents to those that sin today! Otherwise a serpent may be just be tracking you! You know what you did, right? :-) JESUS already took it ALL.
So, the people cried out to Moses, and God told Moses: 

"...Make thee a fiery serpent, and set it upon a pole, and it shall come to pass, that everyone that is bitten, when he looketh upon it, shall live" (verse 8)

Wow! God didn't prescribe medical care or herbal remedy, He said LOOK! And make no mistake; there was medical care available in Israel! But God said, LOOK! Now, the serpent on the pole, was a depiction of Jesus on the Cross, This story was referring to the crucifixion of Jesus that fixed sin and its consequences (John 3:14). And when they looked, they were healed! (Verse 9) They didn't have to treat themselves, they just had to LOOK. The word "beheld" as used in Verse 9, is the Hebrew word "nâbaṭ", which means "to scan, to look intently at".

Second, 1st John 3:1-2.

This is the big one! Verse 2 says: "Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that when he shall appear, we shall be like him, FOR WE SHALL SEE HIM AS HE IS"

The only reason why we will be changed is because WE SHALL SEE HIM AS HE IS. The Apostle is talking about a physical change of state, when mortality shall put on immortality, and corruption shall put on incorruption! You must understand, there is something about this JESUS, when we FOCUS on Him, everything about us SUBMITS and CONFORMS to what we see! That why even our clothes can carry the Anointing! I mean, JESUS is the SUM TOTAL of DIVINITY and DEITY. It doesn't get higher than that! He is LORD. Who or What situation could resist His Presence? 

The Bible says at His Presence, Mountains skip like rams! (Psalm 114:4)

When Moses met Him, his calendar stopped, time literally freezed, he didn't know when 40 days passed! (Exodus 24:18, 34:28)

When Prophet Jeremiah met Him, liquid fire was injected into his bones! (Jeremiah 20:9)

When Prophet Isaiah saw Him, he couldn't stand, he cried "Woe unto me, for I am undone" (Isaiah 6:1-7

When Apostle Paul encountered him on the way to Damascus, Paul went blind and flat on his face! (Acts 9:1-7)

When Apostle John saw Him, His eyes were as a flame of fire, in His right Hand was seven stars, His voice was as the sound of many waters, and out of his mouth went a sharp two-edged sword. He is called FAITHFUL and TRUE, His vesture was dipped in blood and his name is The Word of God. On His Vesture and Thigh was engraved "KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS".  John fell at his feet, like a dead man! (Revelation 1:15-17, 19:11-16)


That's why you got Born-Again. You had an encounter with the Gospel of JESUS, and as you LOOKED by listening, you were recreated! THIS JESUS
That's how you renew your mind; "As we LOOK, we are CHANGED..."(2 Cor. 3:18). THIS JESUS
That's why, when He comes again, we will have NEW BODIES, just like His own, because WE SHALL SEE HIM AS HE IS! THIS JESUS!

Pastors, Leaders, Preachers, Parents, If you want your members or your children to be like JESUS, Quit pushing them, Quit trying to beat them into shape, Quit giving them rules and regulations, SHOW THEM JESUS AS HE IS. 

Not as you think He is. 
Not as you have been told He is.
Not as society says He is.
Not as you CHOOSE to believe He is.

Show them THIS JESUS; Full of Grace and Truth, Full of Love and Compassion, Full of Authority and Ability, Full of Power. This is the Focus of this Blog.

If you are not born again, You have got to encounter THIS JESUS. He's too lovely to miss! Life begins when you meet Him. It's time to look to Him for salvation, because there is no name given among men whereby they shall be saved, neither is there salvation in any other, except the name of JESUS (Acts 4:12). You can do it right now from your heart, it's a simple prayer:

Dear Lord Jesus, I thank you for your Grace and love. I believe in your eternal sacrifice for my sins and your resurrection for my justification. With faith in my heart, I accept your Lordship of Love over my spirit, soul and body. I receive eternal life into my spirit, even the nature of righteousness. I am now a child of God, born from above. Thank you for saving me, in Jesus Name.

If you prayed this prayer, I pray for you, that you be filled with the Spirit in all fullness, and be guided by His Eternal word, even as you begin your journey of Faith.

Don't live Horizontally, Live Vertically. Master the Aphoraō.

P.S: All scriptures cited and/or quoted are all in the King James Version. Please study them for yourself, you could use several translations, and let the Spirit of God minister to you.

Yours Gracefully,



  1. peeJay God bless and increase you...more grace

    1. Bless you for the kind words!

    2. Well spoken my adopted brother in Christ from another country and even different time since I come upon this almost 2 year later. I cut and pasted "aphorao" from: lexicon.cfm?Strongs=G872&t=NIV
      I am studying how Matt 6:22 and Hebrew 12:2 fit together with word "eye" but different words in English and Greek. What I learn is someone 2 years ago seeking Christ in a country 5000miles away seeks the same Lord and Savior in grace.

  2. This was profitable brother in Christ. I think your tough on the "gangsters" lol but their eternal salvation is at stake and so therefore we take drastic measures if necessary. Good Word. Your labor isn't in vain.
