Tuesday, 12 August 2014

Apostle J: The Biography.

It was an all-night meeting, the Master travailing in prevailing prayer. It was time to commision his Earthly Ministry. Over 12 Hours of Prayer and the Master chose 12 Apostles from among his many Disciples: Peter, Andrew, James, John, Philip, Bartholomew (a.k.a Bartho), Matthew, Thomas, James (Alphaeus), Simon (Zelotes), Judas (brother of James), and Judas Iscariot. (Luke 6:12-16)
A THOUGHT: I listed all the names as a bit of a history lesson, just to help those of you who don’t actually know the names of the 12 Apostles :) . And it’s quite striking that Jesus didn’t choose a ‘Lady Apostle’! Well, He probably recalled the story of the first Adam and his escapades with Eve, and he didn’t want to take any chances! Maybe, Just Maybe… :) However, Ladies, Jesus loves you!
Let’s go on.
He was an answer to prayer. He was in charge of the purse of the most successful Ministry at the time, a Treasurer in modern day description. At one time, Jesus sent them out on a Gospel Mission and Power Assignment, and He preached the Gospel, performed miracles, cast out devils, and wrought healings along with the other disciples. The rest of his exploits were not readily available at the time of writing, and are recorded in one of the Books Apostle John spoke about, but these things were written that you may know that this man was by no means, a mediocre.
Ladies and Gentlemen, Meet the Man of God, Apostle I. JUDAS.
However, Quite sadly, When his name is mentioned, preachers use him as a warning sermon to their congregation, parents use him as a moral lesson to their kids, people generally hate him, the choir do not sing his praises, and even the skeptics, gnostics and critics regard him as a ‘bad’ Bible character.
I beg to differ. Actually, I do not beg, I choose to differ; Kings don't beg. The reason(s) is simple.
Firstly, Jesus CHOSE Him! There were several choices, but Jesus not only chose him, he endorsed him! You and I are God’s choice, just the way Judas was! How could Jesus make such a mistake, if it was a mistake? Or more politely, How could Jesus make such a poor choice, if it was indeed a poor choice? Remember, He prayed for over 12 hours before he chose him.
If Jesus believed in him, I believe in him. If Jesus loved him, I do love him. If Jesus didn’t give up on him, I wouldn’t dare do so.
Secondly, Apostle Judas was NOT really responsible for the arrest of Jesus! Jesus did not need to be kissed to be betrayed or arrested, because He is the Lamb of God, the perfect sacrifice for sins. Sacrifices don’t need to be betrayed, they are already on display on the altar! And again, He came to offer his life, he didn’t need someone to assist him to do that. One of the Synoptic Gospel accounts lets us know that when the soldiers came, Jesus asked them “Whom do you seek?” They said “Jesus of Nazareth”. And He told them, “I am He”. (John 18:4-8). That’s about it! He was ready to be offered not necessarily needing an assistant kiss from this beloved Apostle Judas.
Thirdly, Judas had a character flaw, like many of the other Apostles had. Thomas struggled with unbelief, Peter was selfishly outspoken etc.  As for Apostle J, He was a thief, He stole from the Ministry’s Purse, and the devil took advantage of it. One of the Synoptic Gospels tells us that the devil entered him. (Luke 22:3). But shockingly, that wasn’t his problem! His problem wasn’t greed for money, or better put filthy lucre, his problem is the same problem that many believers have today; CONDEMNATION.
Let me show you how the devil cut short the Ministry of this great Apostle.
He loved money. He also loved Jesus. He knew Jesus was Full of Power, He could literally do anything, including save himself from his “captors”. He had escaped before, so it wouldn’t be the first time, only that this time, it would yield profit. So I believe the devil suggested to Judas, “You can kill two birds with one stone, get the money from the Chief Priests, betray Jesus, and Jesus escapes as always. You have your money, You have Jesus. Wonderful business plan! You can eat your cake, have it, and even bake another one!”
BY THE WAY: (I actually wonder how you kill two birds with one stone, I think it depends on the kind and more importantly the “geographical” location of the birds. Some birds have perfected the art of Escape, especially in the beloved African Continent, specifically towards the West.
Can I briefly Prophesy?
Eh, Eh, I’m seeing something like N.I.G.E.R.. and a flag that reflects a certain colour, I see Green, White etc. This is something like Bleck, Bleck people, I move into the Capital, and I hear Aso, Aso, Eh, Eh, beside it, I see Rock, and I see Goodluck on that Rock, This is Patience I hear, Is this a Virtue or a Person?
When the Vision is clear, I’ll finish that prophecy. But Yes, it’s quite difficult to kill two birds with one stone in that nation, because you are not quite sure if the “birds” are “holding a meeting”!)
Anyway, Apostle J AGREED with the devil, and that’s where he missed it. He bargained with the chief priests and they finally shook hands and signed a contract worth 30 pieces of silver (Matthew 26:14-16). It was strictly business! So, Judas began to look for ways to carry out his part of the “contract”, and he finally did, by “betraying” Jesus with a kiss. Jesus was taken, tortured, and finally crucified. All the while, the Apostle J was waiting for the “Moment of Power” when Jesus will “show himself”, and he wasn’t the only one expecting Jesus to “do something!” I’m sure other disciples were too, including one of the thieves that was crucified with him.
Tick. Tock. 1 Hour. 3 Hours. 6 Hours. There was darkness, maybe Jesus didn’t want to display power in the daylight, he kept hoping. Jesus asked for Vinegar, there was another glimmer of hope, maybe he wants to turn it a healing potion, like he turned water into wine, he was waiting. Jesus cried “Eli, Eli, Lama sabachthani”, (Matthew 27:46). Now he’s speaking in tongues, Judas thought, It’s about to happen!
And then it happened, Jesus said “Father, into your hands, I commend my spirit”(Luke 23:46). He dropped his head, and gave up the ghost.
In reality, Judas wasn’t present for the Crucifixion, he already lost the hope of seeing Jesus escape as soon as Jesus was sentenced to death.
Matthew 27:3-5 helps us see why. He said “I have sinned…” The devil who inspired the whole “business plan” came back to him again through his thoughts to CONDEMN him. I can imagine the flood of evil thoughts the devil fed him with, magnifying and replaying the sin over and over again in his mind, reducing him to a vegetable, and making him believe that the only way out of the shame and horror of facing the disciples and the world was to die. The first suicide ever recorded in the Bible was a result of Condemnation, NOT a Consequence of Sin.
Again, Apostle J AGREED with the devil, and this time, It was Fatal. Judas returned the money and hung himself, He ACCEPTED CONDEMNATION. Jesus knew he would do this, and that’s why He warned him several times. (Matthew 26:23-24, Mark 14:18-21, Luke 22:21-22).
Did you know that Jesus, the one whom he betrayed, was dying to bring him salvation?! I mean Judas died before Jesus!
The Lord said this to me, while He was asking me to write this.
He said: “Judas Iscariot killed himself because of Condemnation, If he had waited for the Resurrection, He would have been Born Again!” (Thursday, July 10, 2014)
That about sums it all. Jesus nailed ALL sins (Past, Present, and Future) to his Cross, including Judas’s betrayal, Peter’s denial, Thomas's unbelief, Paul’s persecution, imprisonment, and murder of Christians, the hate and evil plots of the Chief Priests, the sins of the Roman soldiers who crucified Him, and ALL THE SINS YOU HAVE COMMITTED, ARE COMMITTING, AND WILL EVER COMMIT! ALL OF THESE WERE OVER-PAID FOR; such is the Radical Nature of His Grace. If only Apostle J could wait, and not listen to the lies of CONDEMNATION from the devil, he would have preached the Gospel with Power.
But today, you don’t have to wait! The Resurrection has happened, There is no MORE CONDEMNATION for those in Christ Jesus (Romans 8:1). I don’t care how dirty you may feel, or how bad whatever you did was, don’t act like Judas. Take Advantage of the Grace and Mercy FULLY and FREELY available in Christ Jesus.
And If you are not Born Again, that is, If you are not a believer in Christ Jesus and haven’t accepted His Lordship over your life, It’s time to do it. This write-up is above 1,500 words, and If you have read to this extent, It is surely a sign that JESUS wants to express His Love, His Liquid Love, a Love that flows to you. You can receive it NOW. Just say these words from your heart:
Dear Father, I come to you in the Name of Jesus. Thank you for not Condemning me, thank you for your Liquid Love. With Faith in my heart, I accept your love, and the proof of it, which is your death and resurrection. I accept your Lordship over my spirit, soul and body. I now receive Eternal life into my spirit. I am born again now. Thank you for saving me. Halleluyah!
If you prayed this prayer, I decree that you are filled with the Holy Ghost right where you are, and established by the Word, as you start this glorious journey of Faith, In the Name of Jesus!
Condemnation is more deadly than the sin itself; Ask the Apostle.
With Grace,


  1. Beautiful! Praise God nicely written well done bro keep them coming!
